The next 10 years are going to be wild, and smartphone sales are predicted to increase exponentially. Smartphones have become such a staple in our lives that it is becoming difficult for anyone who wants to keep up with current technology to do so without one. With this growth comes new innovations, new technologies, and companies looking for ways to make a profit out of the ever-increasing demand for smartphones. The following article looks at what trends we can expect when it comes to phones over the next ten years.
4K Displays:
With 4K TVs becoming mainstream, it will be only natural that the same should happen to smartphones in the coming years. The upcoming 5G network will allow for even higher resolution and better connection speeds, and it is only a matter of time until we start seeing phones with 4K displays. Of course, these phones won’t be capable of displaying full HD video files and still photos due to the processor lag involved, so you’d have to either use basic content or upload videos from your phone to a computer for viewing.
Curved Screens:
The current trend in smartphones is the curved display, with multiple manufacturers releasing phones with a slightly curved screen. The reason behind this is that curved displays are more ergonomic and easier to hold than flat screens, as there is an edge to rest your finger against. There will be more manufacturers jumping on this bandwagon in the coming years, and it will become increasingly common for phones to be released with curved screens. However, it doesn’t seem like we’ll be seeing a computer monitor or television with a curved display anytime soon.
This is the big one. There have been many promises from different companies about the advent of micro-LED displays in the coming years, but I won’t be surprised if they show up even earlier than expected. Micro-LED displays are not a new thing, and they can already be found on a select few Samsung phones (specifically the Galaxy S6 and S7), but this technology has always had more potential than what was actually achieved with it. When it comes to smartphones, micro-LEDs offer better battery life and higher resolution than both OLED and AMOLED panels, while still being flexible like the two other types of displays. In the future, it looks like micro-LEDs will be the only type of display used in smartphones.
Fingerprint Sensors and Iris Scanners:
While fingerprint scanners are already very common on smartphones nowadays, we can expect to see more phones being released with iris scanners (most likely alongside a fingerprint sensor as well) in the coming years. Iris scanners have been around for a long time, but they’re still not mainstream when it comes to smartphones and other mobile devices. As smartphones become better at understanding light, we’ll see an iris scanner included in more phones.