Everyone knows how important regular exercise is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but not everyone has the time or inclination to join a gym. Luckily there are plenty of other ways to work out regularly and get in shape without having to pay for expensive monthly memberships or spend hours on the treadmill. In this article we’ll be showcasing four different fitness routines that can be done at home – no equipment required!
The full body workout
An easy and quick workout that you can do anywhere is the full body workout. It’s composed of various exercises which will train all of your muscle groups. All you need to do this is a stopwatch, a wall, and some space. The idea is that you set your stopwatch to 60 seconds, then go as hard as you can for those 60 seconds before taking a 20-second break. Repeat this for about 5-8 minutes depending on how much time you have spare.
The burpee
The burpee is a full-body exercise that incorporates the legs, arms, and core. To perform a burpee you start in the push-up position, then drop to your knees and jump straight back up into standing. For an added challenge you can do burpees with your feet elevated off the floor – for example on a chair or bench. This will train your abs as well as your arms and legs.
The plank
Another great full-body exercise is the plank. It primarily trains your core but also benefits your arms, legs, and shoulders. Lie down on the floor and lift yourself onto your forearms, keeping your legs straight. Make sure that you don’t let yourself sag in the middle – keep a straight line from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. Hold this position for as long as you can before relaxing. If you’re a beginner then try holding it for 45 seconds. As you get stronger work up to 2 minutes!
The lunge
The lunge is another great full-body exercise that will strengthen nearly every muscle group in your body – especially the core and legs. To perform a lunge you need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then move them back to the side. Move in your lunge forward step and then backstepping as far as you can. You can also make the lunge a little more challenging by lifting your knees and dragging your toes across the floor.