Everyone knows that cleaning is a necessary part of human existence, but many people find it challenging to do. It is a chore that can cause stress and generate arguments, so it is essential to understand some techniques to help with cleaning.
What are The 7 Steps of Cleaning?
Before cleaning any area, it is essential to prepare it properly to do it effectively. There are no problems with the item itself or the surface being cleaned when you are done cleaning. Cleaning begins by preparing a workspace so there is no danger of ruining the thing or aggravating its surface due to accidental contact of hard objects with the surface being cleaned. Lastly, prepare all of your equipment, such as your supplies and mops, before getting started.
Washing can be done with a large mop or with a simple, clean rag, but either way, make sure that the item being cleaned is washed correctly and that it does not get ragged or dirtied.
Scrubbing is used to polish the item being cleaned, remove dirt and stains, remove any stains that one cannot remove with washing, and remove loose fibers. It is essential that the rags used for scrubbing are clean, preferably laundered but if not, at least washed.
Sponges can be of two types: one kind that has pores of a proper size to hold water and clean dirt, and another kind that is used to rinse the item being cleaned of any residue from the sponge. The most common and basic sponge is the one that has pores of proper size, e.g., a soft, porous sponge that can hold water.
Deodorizing removes any odor from the surface of the item being cleaned. It may damage some surfaces and materials, such as wood, metals, fabrics, and other types of materials that are sensitive to extreme temperatures, so it is essential to clean only items in your home where you will be using them. It is difficult to clean things too big or too heavy to move, so it is better to leave them alone.
Polishing shines the surface of the item being cleaned and helps restore its shine. No moisture must get into the item being cleaned while polishing. You can use a damp sponge with a dry towel to do this.
Maintaining helps keep the item being cleaned in a clean state. It is essential to maintain carpets and upholstered furniture regularly and less frequently on other items.
Preparing your workspace correctly, using the correct equipment, cleaning correctly, and not contaminating the item being cleaned are essential factors in getting rid of problems with cleaning.