In a tech world where a lot of companies are just copying off each other, HP stepped away from the collective comfort zone to launch a new laptop wrapped in leather. The HP Spectre Folio looks luxurious, feels luxurious and comes with a luxurious price tag. Did it justify the hype surrounding it?Initial ThoughtsThere is no doubt about it: HP is going to grab a lot of attention with the Spectre Folio. It is one thing to see pictures of it online, but in the store it is an entirely different thing as well. Displays will undoubtably have a ton of different fingerprints on them, but that’s what the company wants, right? People love to comment on high end metal laptops and how high end they look. The leather is classier. The color is different than what most are used to seeing with technology as well. It’s just a welcomed change that HP deserves credit for. They pulled it off tastefully, although I’m still wondering how well it will hold up in 6 months or even a year.In hand, the HP Spectre Folio feels different. You don’t feel the range of temperatures you normally would with a laptop. It even smells different, at least out of the box. I would compared the leather to seat cushion leather found in cars based on look and durability. Different In Other WaysThe HP Spectre Folio instantly stands out, but it is different in more ways than just the leather that surrounds it. This is a slightly different variation of a 2-in-1 laptop never really seen before.

Born and raised in Chicago. Former high school teacher who became sick of getting summers off so I took on a 12-month a year job.