We have all heard that a healthy diet is the best way to get the nutrients necessary to stay healthy. However, taking a daily multivitamin is a great way to make sure that you’re not missing out. For those who suffer stomach upset from a traditional vitamin tablet, the options below can help.
Gummie vitamins can be much kinder to your stomach than a basic tablet. In addition, you can split a gummie into several different pieces and take it throughout the largest meal of your day to avoid nausea or an acidic flare-up. When purchasing vitamin gummies, make sure that children can’t get into these containers as high levels of some nutrients can be extremely dangerous to young children.
Your gummie vitamins will likely need to be refrigerated. Do be aware that the gelatinous or gooey part of the gummie will absorb odors from the refrigerator; if you need to, transfer your gummies to a sealable glass jar and wrap the whole jar in a plastic bag to keep outside air and scents out.
Liquid Dosages
Some of us can’t swallow pills. You can get past this with a liquid vitamin appropriate for your age and weight. It’s important that you not pair this with an acidic food or liquid; for example, if you enjoy coffee or tea in the morning, this may make your liquid vitamin dose uncomfortable. Instead, try blending your liquid vitamin into an afternoon sparkling water or juice. You can also blend it with a lunchtime smoothie.
Fortified Foods
If you have a history of digestive issues, you may be able to start vitamin tablets or gummies but not tolerate the supplements effectively over time. In that case, you may be more comfortable over the long term with a fortified food, such as a breakfast cereal, that provides the same benefit of a tablet or gummie. Such cereal can be made even more effective with
- fresh fruit, for antioxidants and fiber
- plain yogurt, for additional calcium
- as a healthy, crunchy snack option between meals
A fortified cereal can obviously also be eaten for breakfast.
Vitamins shouldn’t be that hard to take, but they can be hard on your stomach. Many of us also struggle to take pills, and some tablets can have an unpleasant aftertaste. The suggestions above can make vitamins a lot easier.