Fitness is about being healthy. It’s about working out for your health and not just for your general well-being. It’s about having control over your life, which includes physical and mental health and how you look and feel. Fitness is also a way to relieve stress in some cases. It can be achieved by various methods ranging from the social to the athletic to simply going on a walk through nature.
What are the 4 types of fitness?
- Strength.
It is a broad term describing the ability to produce force, often generated from muscle power through the force of muscular contraction. Strength training typically involves resistance training where the goal is to strengthen muscles.
- Balance.
It is the ability through muscle coordination to accurately position oneself, e.g., standing, walking, concerning gravity and the target object. Balance training typically involves inherently unstable activities such as dancing or skiing.
- Endurance.
It requires the highest aerobic and anaerobic capacity level, which is tested in interval training for both intensive vs. long-distance activities and endurance running vs. jogging. The relationship between distance and intensity is one of the most fundamental aspects of endurance performance.
- Flexibility.
It is the ability to overcome resistance using movements of large ranges of motion. Flexibility training involves increasing the range of motion by stretching.
Importance of fitness
- It can reduce many risk factors for cardiovascular disease and improve overall health. It is a significant benefit of fitness training in general.
- It can help you achieve your goals, whether it is being able to finish a marathon or play with your kids more often.
- It can help reduce stress. Stress is bad for you as it can cause high blood pressure and strokes and many other adverse side effects, including depression and anxiety, which can lead to suicide or unhealthy habits such as smoking or drinking excessively.
- It can improve self-esteem and confidence and contribute to a better quality of life. It’s a great way to be fit and healthy simultaneously. It is also a milestone accomplishment at this stage in life when many people are looking for that something to watch over the next decade.
- Fitness can be enjoyable, making you feel good about yourself and cheer you up if you’re feeling down about anything else. It will also make you feel alive, young, and healthy because living well is all about life!
Fitness is about being active for your health, whether it be aerobic exercise or simply a walk around the block. It can also be about strength and flexibility, the two other components needed, and endurance to achieve proper fitness.