It is nearly impossible to find a household that does not have several electronic devices. Families cover their kitchen counters with cell phones, tablets, laptops, and e-watches. These tools make our lives easier and more fun. We don’t want to give any of them up, so we must find a way to keep them all charged.
Getting and keeping everything charged can be a problem. Many of us have seen the extension cords and chargers tapping into every available plugin. It does not look tidy, and some extension cords can cause electrical problems if not used properly.
There is a solution. MAGFAST is a technology company that is addressing this problem. The founder developed a wireless charging system. It consists of a family of products. The chargers use Qi, which utilizes inductive energy.
It does not matter what type of port or internal charger your device has. MAGFAST can handle it. These items can accept all kinds of USBs, including micro, and Apple ports. Apple is notorious for creating phones that need a special charger. MAGFAST has eliminated that with its proprietary technology.
MAGFAST offers portable chargers, so not only can you move it from your home to the office, you can take it in your car and on the road. Students can now move their devices from the dorm to the library and not have to huddle around an outlet.
Car Charger
If you make your living from the road, MAGFAST brings you power. The company offers an auto-compatible device that plugs into a lighter. It also has a safety flashlight and 4 USB ports. It will charge A- and C-USBs as well as micro USB items.
Gone are the days of having to wait all night for your phone to recharge. These units can get you back in action quickly. Science and chemistry are tucked away in these sleek panels, and those elements create fast the charge.
Older systems could be frustrating. If you did not perfectly insert the cord or it moved while charging, your device would not be ready in the morning. MAGFAST products are magnetic, so it will still work if the item is not perfectly square to the charger. Movement will not disrupt the flow of energy.
This operation began in 2018. The founder created it out of necessity. It was clear most everyone needed a charger, but the corded models were the best the industry offered. Today, people can ditch the cords and receive reliable power for all their phones, tablets, and cellular tools, no matter where they are.