Having the right type of bug out bag is essential for a number of reasons. Not only can it be useful when surviving a true disaster, but they can be used for a lot of other options as well. Some people will camp with their bug out bags, while others will just carry around the bag on a daily basis. Using it throughout the day for work or school is definitely an option.
No matter what the use, the Condor 3 Day Assault Pack has received amazing reviews since releasing. People are very pleased with it’s ability to be very versatile, durable and stylish. It comes as no surprise that the company behind it, Condor, has been able to have success in the industry for a while. This might be their best bag yet, and anyone who spends time outdoors probably knows somebody who already has one.
Below is a closer look at just what the product provides for an outdoorsman. With the ability to be customized for a bunch of different tests, the Condor Three Day Assault Pack is here to stay as one of the best overall options available today.
There are features galore when it comes to looking at the Condor Three Day Assault Pack. With four different colors to choose from, the bag is extremely durable to use day after day. It is also comfortable, making a heavy bag not feel so heavy by being able to re-distribute the weight quite a bit. The bag can weigh up to 40 or so pounds by itself, but it feels much less when properly placed on a person’s shoulders.
Camping is probably the most common use for this bag these days, although it is still a true bug out bag at its core. Since camping involves carrying around a lot of similar things, most people have adopted it as a camping bag as well.
What is inside the bag?

A bag can have all the bells and whistles imaginable, but if it does not have the space needed in order for proper storage, it is not going to be worth anything to a lot of people. The main features on the bag are:
A large main compartment that measures 22“ x 17“ x 11“. It holds up to 50 L, and is able to contain any leaks that might occur.
Seven total pockets for a variety of storage options. Some of the pockets are smaller with ways to be sealed completely. Others are designed for easy access at any time.
Gear retention straps and two smaller pockets inside the main compartment. These pockets can be zipped, and they are lined with mesh.
A total of 6 L of space for hydration pack platters. This is broken up into two separate places in the bag.
Grommets to help with drainage for every major compartment. Liquid that gets in a bag can really cause a lot of damage in a hurry. Not only does it possibly damage the bag in the long run, but it can damage everything inside as well. There are a couple of features with this bag that makes it very easy to use.
For starters, each section of the bag is going to be sealed off from the others. That makes using the grommets very easy to do when need be. Another factor is that these grommets are able to empty in a matter of seconds. There are no prolonged issues for people to have to deal with.
Why organization is so important
It does not take much to look at the different parts of the bag to see that organization is extremely stressed. Condor does a very good job of probably over delivering on the number of options available. Simply put, there are enough areas in the bag for people to separate every single thing imaginable. It is good news for those who want to be able to find everything in a matter of seconds. Nothing is worse than needing something and having to dig through a bag to find exactly where it was put.
Once a person familiarizes themselves with the entire layout of the bag, they will be able to really understand exactly where things are stored. In some cases, a person will not even need to actually look at the bag to get something. It will just be a simple reach around to grab something quickly while still moving along.
Durability and Comfort

A bag can have all the storage in the world, but if it is not durable and comfortable, it is not going to be a very valuable option to consider purchasing. Nobody wants to be outdoors without a bag that they can properly trust.
The body contour shoulder straps are probably the first thing that a lot of people will notice when actually using the bag. The straps do a very good job of making sure that the bag comfortably sits in the right position when in use. It can be adjusted for each person individually, so the stress is put on the right part of the body. It does a great job handling pain in certain parts of the body. Even the slightest pain can turn into something more if it is not dealt with right away.
A D-ring for equipment attachment is something that some might not realize they need until it actually comes in play. This is actually a very important part of the bag, because without it, they can be very difficult to have certain types of equipment around. A quick and easy way to attach things to the bag makes it a true game changer.
The sternum strap and the waist belt are just two different ways to make the bag a little bit easier to wear during a very active day. It might be a little bit overkill for someone who is only going to use the bag for a short trip, but those moving around definitely need the extra support and sturdiness for the bag. These two features really keep the bag in the right spot, and they can be tucked away or even removed if not in a use.
Perhaps the best feature for comfort includes the rear foam padding that also has airflow technology for the bag. This foam might not seem like much when just touching it, but it really comes in handy when it is been worn for hours at a time. The airflow also helps quite a bit with keeping a person a little bit cooler during those hot days. A person is probably still going to sweat quite a bit when they are wearing something like this, but just dropping the temperature a few degrees can make a pretty big difference.
The final thing that really sets this bag apart from others from a durability standpoint is that the nylon used is very durable. It not only resists wear quite a bit, but it also handles water very well. No matter what a person is storing in their bag, it is not going to be damaged.
Nylon, if produced correctly, is one of the most durable fabrics out there. It is very resistant to showing wear and tear as well, making the bag look brand new even after several uses. On top of everything, nylon is very easy to wash if a person needs to. Just throw it in the washer and follow the instructions, and everything should turn out perfectly fine.
Standing out from the other bug out bags on the market
In a fairly crowded bug out bag market, some might be a little bit skeptical as far as why the Condor 3 Day Assault Pack is better than all the rest. While there might be similar options at first glance, it is the smaller details and the overall versatility of the bag that makes it the best of the bunch.
Organization is always a huge thing for those who go out and enjoy the outdoors. There are a lot of different things that need to be kept separately, and it just makes sense to have a bag that can do everything. Certain things need to be kept away from others, especially if liquids are being carried around. Just one mishap can damage papers and other items that simply can’t get wet.
Condor is one of the few companies that offer grommets for drainage that are very easy to use. Liquids can spill at any time, and it can be a disaster in some scenarios. By just utilizing a grommet, the drainage can be done in a matter of seconds.
Other people are very happy with the Condor Three Day Assault Pack
A major reason why Condor has really taken off with this particular pack is that the reviews online are magnificent. Amazon shoppers have this rated as one of the best in the business, and for an affordable option, it is definitely worth investing in. It is currently sitting at a 4.5 out of five stars on Amazon.
Along with everything already mentioned, four different colors allow a person to have a different look if they want. There are other bags that come in more colors than that, but four is a sufficient amount for a lot of people to find at least one that they can really be happy about.
Even within the company of Condor, the bag is getting great reviews as one of the best in its price range. It continues to be one of their best sellers, and the price has been dropping for a while now, sitting at under $100 for the majority of the colorways.
Alternative options to consider
Despite being a very well rounded bug out bag for a person to consider purchasing, there are always going to be people with slightly different needs. Maybe a person wants to invest in a more expensive option, or they simply can’t afford a bag this pricey. Whatever the case may be, here is a look at a few alternatives that are actually very fitting to use as well.
Best cheaper option – Reebow Gear Military Tactical Backpack Three Day Assault Pack
For about half the price, a person can purchase a pretty nice assault bag that still has a lot of quality features to it. It is slightly smaller, and there are not as many pockets, but some people might not need that extra space if they pack lightly.
Materials used on cheaper options can sometimes be frustrating to say the least. They are usually not as durable, and they take on water a little bit easier. The fabric on this backpack is very good for its price, and stacks up fairly well compared to the Condor Three Day Assault Pack. It won’t provide the same level of protection, but that’s to be expected for a cheaper bag.
Best more expensive option – 5.11 Rush72 Tactical Backpack
Condor and 5.11 are two of the best brands out there, so of course they are always going to be battling with what they offer. While condor provides a great option for those looking to stay under $100, for a little bit more this option from 5.11 is great.
Storage is going to be a little bit more improved, not only with space, but with the nylon that is used. A bigger backpack will allow for more storage, so slightly longer trips can be taken with a bag like this. The nylon is a little bit more resistant to wear and tear and water, and it is known as 1050D. The average person might not notice much of a difference, but it is definitely there.
Factor in some of the smaller options like a fleeced pocket for delicate storage and even some additional goodies like a hat, patches and decals, and it is easy to see why so many people like this as a slightly upgraded model.
Best extremely small option – Condor alAmbidextrous Sling Bag
Using a sling bag is something that a lot of people do if they are traveling lately and not in need of a lot of space. Having a sling bag to throw around is pretty beneficial, and it is obviously much cheaper as well. A person is not going to get nearly the same type of durability they would with a regular bag, but it is definitely an option that a lot of people consider.
The quality of the sling bag is still pretty good, and it is definitely not without some pretty good features. It just should not be recommended for anyone who is looking to spend a lot of time outdoors at one time. That is what the other options are for.
Final Thoughts on the Condor 3 Day Assault Pack
Used as either a bug out bag or a camping bag, there is simply not a better option on the market when considering overall value. The average person is not going to need any additional space or pockets to store everything they need. The bag is extremely comfortable, it holds up under nearly any type of weather condition and it just looks stylish. Condor does not try to do too much with the bag, just providing a very valuable option for people to rely on every single time it is in years.
The price of each color varies quite a bit on Amazon from time to time, but there are definitely some good values to be found. When shopping online, Amazon consistently has the best prices for this bag and all the other alternatives mentioned. Shipping is usually only going to take a few days at most, meaning a person can get outdoors with their new bag in no time.
Condor has spent years building their reputation as one of the best companies in the business. Their products can be trusted, and each bag comes with a guarantee from the company to live up to expectations. To find the best prices on every color way, visit Amazon to shop the Condor 3 Day Assault Pack.

Youngest of four children. Owner of three degrees. Mother of two dogs. One love.