Computers have become a part of our everyday lives, so the need to do more with our device’s battery life has become imperative. With the advent of lithium-ion batteries, batteries are no longer just electronic devices that go in a watch or mobile phone. Thanks to the wide variety of chargers available today, it can power anything from a wireless doorbell to your home entertainment system. While most devices use standard charging methods, some devices still need a bit more power to charge.
1: The Laptops
The laptops are portable, one can easily use them, and they have much more functionality than traditional computers. Laptops come in different sizes; they can be small with a screen size of 11-13 inches and as big as 17 inches. Also, laptops are cheaper than desktop computers and are much easier to carry around.
2: The Netbooks
The netbooks use the same computer manufacturing processes as a laptop, but it is much smaller; it has a screen size ranging from 7-10 inches. They cost less than most laptops and have no moving parts, making them more durable than laptops.
3: The Tablet PCs
Tablets are, like regular laptops, portable, but they are bigger and come equipped with a screen size of around 10-11 inches. They also have a keyboard designed to accommodate the tablet’s functions but not the other way around.
They have been designed to be smaller than regular laptops but, at the same time, are very powerful.
4: The Mini PC
The mini-PCs are the smallest of all computers; they are smaller than netbooks. They have a screen size ranging from 5-7 inches. They have been designed to be used as desktop computers but, at the same time, can be carried along anywhere you go. They are also cheap compared to standard PCs, and one can fit them into every corner of your house.
Computers are no longer just machines we use for work; they are a part of our everyday lives. What this means is that the computers we use nowadays have to be able to handle many applications simultaneously, but at the same time, they need to be powered enough to last long.