New York is a hugely diverse city, with neighborhoods reflecting an ethnic heritage worldwide. New Yorkers are some of the most diverse people in America, reflected in its unique products. There is a wide variety to choose from, making it difficult to determine what makes the best-selling products in NYC. Here is a list of five best-selling products from companies in NYC.
Play Stations
It is no secret that New Yorkers are crazy about their sports. And being the city of entertainment, there’s not much to do when the weather isn’t good. Thus, it is only natural that companies in New York make the best-selling Play Station units. You might wonder if the Playstation 3 would boast preference to its predecessors, but surprisingly enough, it’s not. Playstation TV tops all of them in terms of sales revenue.
Wine has been an integral part of the New York culture ever since it was first introduced to the city when it was only a colony. Nowadays, plenty of wineries in NYC, such as Big Fish Little Fish Winery and Estancia Wines. The city itself is one of the best places in America for wine tasting and learning about the production process of making good wine, so it’s no surprise that New Yorkers like to toast with their glass at least once a week.
One would think that a mint-flavored gum would not sell well, but it is not the case. Mentos Gum is one of the top-selling products of all time. According to a post by a friend who used to work in the marketing department at PepsiCo in New York, it’s mainly because young people and college students buy them.
Wine Coolers
This product has been around for centuries, and it is still as popular as ever. There are plenty of wine coolers in New York City, and even more than there are restaurants that sell them. The popular Chandon Freres bled wine cooler or the simpler Gold Peak Wine Cooler. This product is not just for wineries, but you can find it in many bars.
This is a genuinely American drink. It is one of the most preferred drinks by New Yorkers, probably because of its low price and because it tastes good. Anyone can enjoy it for any occasion, whether it’s for a family reunion or a wedding.
Bottom Line
There are plenty of items that I can add to this list, and New Yorkers are constantly on the lookout for fun items that will make their lives better. It is a fascinating city with so much culture, and it’s no wonder why its products sell so well.