Computers seem to be a part of practically every person’s life in this day and age. Whether you are a simple computer user, an IT professional, or just someone who enjoys checking Facebook, there is no denying that our lives wouldn’t be as convenient without computers. Many different types of computers serve other purposes: laptops, desktops, servers, smartphones, and tablets. Today’s world needs more than just one type of computer for each person; it needs multiple models and versions to suit the uniqueness of each individual’s personal preferences.
- Laptop
A laptop is a small electronic machine that requires only power and an Internet connection to be functional. It is lightweight, portable, and can fit into any bag. A laptop offers the same level of functionality as an ordinary desktop computer, but it is much more challenging to upgrade hardware or change components, which limits its functionality.
- Desktop Computer
A desktop computer is large, which means it cannot be carried around easily. The size also allows for more hardware components to be installed in the case; this leads to better performance overall. Much like a laptop, a desktop is upgraded with new hardware and software.
- Network Computer
A network computer is not exactly a computer in the usual sense of the word; it is an entire system that allows for more computing power than even a desktop computer could provide. A network computer is connected to other computers through hardware such as Ethernet cables, providing a connection to thousands of other computers from one location.
- Server
A server is similar to a network computer but can provide a more stable environment for several users to access. Servers are usually set up in networks with several other computers sharing the hardware: one computer acts as the server, while all others are clients. A server is ideal for large businesses or schools with many different students.
- Personal Computer
A personal computer is what it sounds like: a computer owned and operated by one person. It allows for the compatibility of more components than a desktop or server but is unsuitable for highly technical purposes such as video editing.
- Tablet Computer
A tablet is, in essence, a mini-computer, similar to a smartphone or tablet computer; however, devices such as iPads, iPhones, and tablets require much more power than a smartphone. Tablets tend to be minimal and light weight compared to traditional computers, which makes them very convenient to carry around with you wherever you go.